A communications hub for Newfoundland & Labrador

gardeners, farmers, foragers, hunters & fishers!

We acknowledge the island of Ktaqmkuk as the ancestral homeland and territory of the Beothuk and the Mi’kmaq
and Labrador as the ancestral territory of the Innu of Nitassinan, Inuit of Nunatsiavut, and Inuit of NunatuKavut.
We hold deep respect for the cultures, traditions and knowledge of all those who call these places home.
We acknowledge the damage of the past and the persistence of racist attitudes and policies.
We will work with Indigenous partners to make these territories places of healing and shared knowledge.

Where’s the Food?

From September – December 2022
Food Producers Forum completed a
detailed online survey
of community food producers
who reported
producing 6.2 million pounds
of local food!

For the complete report, click HERE

Food Producers Forum
seeks Executive Director

Food Producers Forum is a five-year old provincial non-profit society supporting food security, local food distribution and food justice in Newfoundland and Labrador. We have launched more than a dozen community-based projects, to address the need for healthy, local food. Led by a multi-cultural, gender-balanced board of directors, with a four-member executive, we have been supporting practical solutions and developing operating policies based on dialogue, inclusion and respect.

To help us keep our day-to-day operations running and oversee our activities, we are ready to hire an Executive Director. This position will require vision and a deep understanding of the culture and history of our province, along with excellent organizational and communication skills and sensitivity to local issues. We prefer an individual with academic training in a related field, such as environmental studies, economics or agriculture but are mainly looking for a person with practical understanding of core issues related to food production and community health.

The Executive Director will supervise projects, develop new initiatives, work with selected project teams and will undertake budgetary management and fundraising as required to maintain our work. All work related to budget and ongoing expenses will be handled jointly with the Chair and Treasurer. The position will be reviewed bi-annually. Link here: https://foodproducersforum.com/executive-director/

Contact us at foodproducersforum@gmail.com
with your questions then submit your letter of application, an up-to-date resume, three personal
references and a sample of your recent written work to foodproducersforum@gmail.com.

Video of the Week

Dan Bostan, a retired Romanian Canadian professor with deep interests in year-round food production, has designed and built two passive solar houses and greenhouses. Here is how he did it.

For past Videos of the Week, Click Here

For Regeneration Conference Videos, Click Here