
Tomato, Pepper & Eggplant |

Two Thousand Tomatoes

Most gardeners who grow tomatoes at home, whether outdoors or in a greenhouse, rely on standard commercial varieties such as Sweet Million and various Plum or Beefsteak varieties.   However, the…

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Newsletter |

Newsletter 2 – January/February 2021

NEWSLETTER #2 – January/February 2021 We are pleased to share the latest news from our projects and friends. We have accomplished a lot in just a few months and ……

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Seeds |

Planting The Seeds Of Food Security

Dan Rubin describes how he is growing food and extending the growing season using simple techniques in his backyard garden in Pouch Cove in this interview with an intern from ……

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Seeds |

Ten Canadian Seed Sources

Our wonderful Canadian public broadcaster CBC has recently posted a list of ten Canadian seed companies.  For the full list of almost one hundred, visit, but here is a darned ……

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News |

Province Offers Bedding Plants To Commercial Growers Until February 19th

The provincial department of agriculture once again has propagated bedding plants for cabbage, rutabaga (turnip), broccoli, cauliflower, onion, kale, lettuce, leek and asparagus, available to…

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Food Preserving |

Food Preserving – Drying

Meat, fish, fruits and some vegetables and herbs were traditionally dried to keep them edible for months or even years, and to allow them to be shipped greater distances to ……

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Seeds |

Heirloom Seeds

Humans have been growing and gathering food for millennia. During this time we have learned how to save seeds each season and replant them the following year. By doing this, ……

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Seeds |

What is a seed?

At some point in the evolution of life on earth, plants discovered sex. This may sound mysterious and exciting but, simply put, the ability to mix and match genes allowed ……

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