April 15, 2021

Checking Out The Chips



Do wood chips really reduce weeding and helps soil retain moisture?   This online garden mentor set out to find out if they do.  Find out what she learned here on Meliissa’s blog:  

One Response to Checking Out The Chips

  1. This is a great little clip and has a clear demonstration and comparison with and without chips. We applied chips last year, to help with weed control and had such a positive experience with moisture retention that it is a definite YES to continue this method as we expand.

    The only information missing in the video clip is the valuable mycelium that spreads through the wood chips creating a web of nutrient flow to the roots of the garden plants and vegetable.

    I also think ambit adding soil amendments and believe that evening adding comfrey and manure onto the wood chips would still allow nutrients to flow with rainwater to the roots of the crop (to some extent)

    Thank for sharing! Keep doing what you do

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